Parishioner Registration Form (English)

St. Joseph Parishioner Contact Information Update

Adult #1 (Head of Household)_______________________ (DOB)___________

Work #________________Cell#________________ Email:__________________

Employer__________________ Occupation_______________

I have the following professional skills to offer:__________________

Adult #2 (Spouse or Other)_________________________ (DOB)___________

Work #________________Cell#________________ Email:__________________

Employer__________________ Occupation_______________

I have the following professional skills to offer:__________________

Home Address_________________________________________________________


Home Phone_____________________________________

Youth #1_______________________________ (DOB)___________

Baptized (Where)_______________ (When)__________________

Current Grade__________________

Youth #2_______________________________ (DOB)___________

Baptized (Where)_______________ (When)__________________

Current Grade__________________

Youth #3_______________________________ (DOB)___________

Baptized (Where)_______________ (When)__________________

Current Grade__________________

Youth #4_______________________________ (DOB)___________

Baptized (Where)_______________ (When)__________________

Current Grade__________________

Youth #5_______________________________ (DOB)___________

Baptized (Where)_______________ (When)__________________

Current Grade__________________


□ Parish Council – This council exists to recommend to the pastor those policies, procedures and programs that facilitate faith building with the community. This council shares in the decision making process which leads to a recommendation to the pastor of how best his role can serve the parish. 

□ Finance Council – Council meets quarterly. The council is responsible to monitor revenues and parish assets and review expenses to ensure budget compliance. _____________________

Liturgical Ministries:
Which Mass do you normally attend? _____ 5:30 Saturday
____ 10:30 Sunday
_____12:30 Sunday
□ Liturgy Committee-Works directly with the priest in the planning of special liturgies. ______________________________

□ Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion- assist the priest in administering communion to parishioners during Mass. (training required)
□ Cup Ministers- distribute wine during Masses (training required)
□ Greeter/Gift Bearer-Greet all who enter our church before Mass begins. The same individuals/families are responsible for bringing the Bread and Wine to the altar during Mass.
□ Lector- proclaims the Word of God during Mass. Lectors also recite the “Prayers of the Faithful” and announce songs (training required)

□ Usher- takes up offertory collection and distributes bulletins following mass. ___________________________________
□ Altar Server- those students in 4th grade and above who would like to assist the priest during Mass. (training is required.) __________________________

□ Musician- experienced instrumentalist who can provide accompaniment for Masses. __________________________

Facilities & Grounds:

□ Buildings/Grounds-Arranges for necessary repairs and updates to the Church and Parish Hall through the use of professional firms and the talents of St. Joseph’s parishioners. In addition they help maintain the parish grounds through spring and fall with clean up. Watering and planting. Green thumbs welcome! __________________________

□ General Maintenance- assists with minor repairs/small projects at the church or rectory. __________________________

□ Skilled Trades- persons skilled in crafts, e.g. electricians, plumbers, heating and air conditioning techs, etc. __________________________

□ Cemetery Committee-The cemetery committee overseas the maintenance of the Cemetery grounds and the marking of burial lots. __________________________

□ Family Life Committee- Help with Pre-marriage and pre-baptismal preparation. __________________________

□ Fellowship/Church Life Committee- Members of this committee help to coordinate and or participate in the following church fellowship activities: Meals on Wheels, hospitality Sunday, as well as parish fundraisers like the lasagna dinner and tacos in the park. __________________________

□ Social Action Committee- This committee is supposed to educate about those in need, and the resources available to them such as the food pantry, immigration services, refugee resettlement, birthright as well as where to get counseling__________________________

□ Lead Couple for Marriage Prep: mentors engaged couples. (Requires weekend training.) Must be married five years, or longer. __________________________

□ Respect Life- brings awareness about respect life issues. __________________________

□ Funeral Lunch Preparation- provides luncheons for families following funeral services. They prepare the lunch, set tables, serve and clean up.
□ Meals on Wheels- volunteers to deliver meals to elderly persons in our community. __________________________

□ Prayer Chain- Prays for parishioners, their families or friends, and forwards calls to another prayer chain member. __________________________

Parish Organizations

□ Knights of Columbus- Fraternal organization of Catholic men meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the PLC. Here at St. Joseph’s the Knights sponsor a youth soccer challenge, free throw contest, and hold Fish Fries during Lent. They also do charitable activities for brother knights and our soldiers overseas. __________________________